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Jacob Nguni
Born in Cameroon
58 years
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Lilian Yengu Your 'Bamenda' sister. May 30, 2015
Big Bro, I only met you once at a Cabaret in the Silver Spring Area but through our interactions on camnet, I got you 'know' you well and referred to you as my big brother. If I had the know-how, I could write a whole book on how you enriched my life everytime I read one of your write-ups but alas, I an not as gifted as you were with words and the creative know-how to weave into even into the most serious of narratives, to put a smile in the hearts of your readers. You had a way of putting things that even if when one did not agree with your thesis, they could still enjoy the write up and learn from it. Three things stand out as I try to distill into a few bullets, some of the things you wrote that made me laugh out loud.
1: You lamented why Doctors/Ph.D holders would use their titles when talking to their parents or family. Afterall, the parent would know who you were even if you didn't use your title since the gave you the name. It wasn't the content of what you were saying, but how you said it. This is the example you used. 'Papa, this is Dr Deaudonne." Who, the father asked, 'Me your son, Dr 'God givan', you translated. That cracked me up and still does.
2: You also wrote once that 'Bamenda' people didn't know anything about music as all their songs must have oh oh oh oh oh, with no lyrics. After reading your email, I started thinking of all the traditional dances and music in my Wimbum culture. Then I put on a CD of Mfuh, the warrior dance and nearly fell of my chair with laughter, as the whole dance hardly had any lyrics. How observant and knowledgeable were you bid bro!
3: You also chastized people who went home and got married to 'mami watas', who were way above their stations, and then cried when the 'mami watas' abandomed them once they 'fell bush'. You asked them to asked themselves whether if they were still living in Cameroon, these 'mami watas' woul have their time, with their 'duck fowl' feet, your words.

As I bid you farewell today big bro, I will always think of you when I talk to my family (as a Ph.D) and when I listen to Mfuh. Thank you for being a part of my life even on cyberspace. The heavenly choir is surely rejoicing even as we mourn your loss.

Bye bye big bro, and rest in peace.
Lilian Yengi.
Lionel Ojong Ndasi An Iroko tree has fallen! May 25, 2015
Senior may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace... Fare you well grand JJ...
Edimo Soban May 22, 2015
Ivo called me and told me you were at his place and that I should come on over. It was pretty cool meeting a bona fide Soban legend. we chatted for quite awhile and eventually started jamming and hanging out. I remember taking you to a beltsville guitar store where your guitar riffs amazed the folks in the store. U bought the red Washburn that day!!! And the Smithsonian gig where we jammed with Tanash and Tiacoh. that was pretty cool. And the many weeknds playing at Brosim's house parties.  And hanging out in Itadi's basement talking and playing even more music. I wouldn't trade those days for anything. i learned alot from you. And laughed alot!!!! Weren't we supposed to be recording music at Inner Ear?? U spent the first few hours cracking me up with tales from tours!! Our last conversation? January I believe. U were telling me about some music you'd transcribed ( i did indeed check it out bro) and I'm still blown away by the "lean on me" "sweet mother" parallels u brought to my attention. Great stuff! You just never know where the road turns....... thanks for making time for this beyond grateful "little brother". I will most definitely miss u and your very generous spirit. Rest in perfect peace til we meet again and jam once more in that music studio on high!
Your bro, fellow Soban and fellow music lover. 
Mimi Nkwepo RIP May 18, 2015
You made us sing and dance along, you entertained us, you put a smile on our faces with you beautiful musical talent and you will be missed but never forgotten. RIP Jacob.
Mo Dasabe Senor April 30, 2015
Farewell my K-Town Grand J.The memories abound but I will always remember the private conversations we had regarding life. You frequently reminded me never to forget where I came from. When I last met you in Maryland, you couldn't wait to gloat on my wife's cooking and how much you enjoyed the roasted fish she made for you during your last concert in Dallas. I will always remember that unique voice of yours calling me, "Mon Petit". The Heavens have you now and may you rest in Perfect Peace...."Ton Petit"
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